Assessment of Alcohol Exposure During Pregnancy

Please complete the fields below to determine exposure parameters during pregnancy.
On average how many days per week do you drink?                                         

On an average drinking day how many drinks do you have?                            

How many days in the last month did you have 5 or more drinks?                    

What is the most you had to drink on any one day during this pregnancy?      

Estimated Exposure Parameters:

      Pregnancy Drinking Days
                     (Estimated number of drinking days during pregnancy)

      Percent of Days Exposed During Pregnancy
                     (Estimated days exposed during pregnancy)

      Number of Binge Days (Five or more drinks in one day)
                     (Estimated number of binge days)

      Number of Drinks during Pregnancy
                     (Estimated cumulative number of drinks during pregnancy)

      Ounces of absolute alcohol
                     (Estimated cumulative absolute alcohol exposure during pregnancy)

Questions? Send them to
Average number of days per week you drink:
Average number of drinks per drinking day:
Number of days in last month with 5 or more drinks:
Most drinks on any one day during this pregnancy:

Estimated Exposure Parameters:

Pregnancy Drinking Days
          (Estimated number of drinking days during pregnancy)

Percent of Days Exposed During Pregnancy
          (Estimated days exposed during pregnancy)
Number of Binge Days (Five or more drinks in one day)
          (Estimated number of binge days)
Number of Drinks during Pregnancy
          (Estimated cumulative number of drinks during pregnancy)
Ounces of absolute alcohol
          (Estimated cumulative absolute alcohol exposure during pregnancy)